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Pre-School is closed for inset day’s on Friday 18 and Monday 28 February re-opening on Tuesday 1 March. Welcome back Welcome back to Pre School after the Christmas break – we hope all the children and their families had an enjoyable time over the Holidays and that the snow didn’t impact too much on travel plans. A belated thank you for all parent and carer input at Pre-School in the countdown to Christmas. The Christmas Fayre, in conjunction with the Infant School, raised a record-breaking sum, of which we receive around £800, so thank you to everyone who volunteered or came along and spent hard-earned pennies! The Childrens’ Christmas Party was a great success, as was the Christmas Play – thank you for providing such wonderful costumes and to those of you who helped with setting up the school hall and tidying afterwards. At the beginning of term, we were thrilled to welcome Jemma Knowles as a temporary classroom assistant and wish her the best as she finds her feet at Pre-School. Please do introduce yourselves if you get the chance – getting to know who is who will help her settle in! Diary dates Spring Term: January 5 to Thursday 17 February, then Monday 28 February to Friday 8 April; INSET DAYS: Friday 18 February & Monday 28 February We break up for half term at 3pm on Thursday 17 February and return to school on Tuesday 1 March 2011. Summer Term: Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 April (we are back for a couple of days after Easter holidays, then Friday 29 April is a Holiday, due to the Royal Wedding). Then, Tuesday 3 May to Thursday 26 May, and Monday 6 June to Friday 22 July. Coffee morning 25 January 2011: 09.15-11.15hrs Information and social evening 17 February 2011, 8pm-10pm The trustees and staff of Hyde Heath Pre-School invite parents and carers to join us for an informal gathering at The Plough, Hyde Heath. There will be a short presentation at 8.30pm, where we will be updating you about news and activities at Pre-School., followed by a buffet and a cash bar. We do hope you will join us: it will be a great opportunity to meet fellow parents and get to know more about the Pre-School facility and the people behind it. Please do RSVP to Sarah Yalden by 2nd February 2011 so we can gauge numbers for catering. Parent Teacher Consultation Evening (TBC) 23 March 2011 An opportunity to have an informal chat with Pre-School staff regarding your child and his or her time at Pre-School. REMINDER: Applications for Infant School places If your child was born between 01.09.06 – 31.08.07, you will need to apply for an infant school place for the school year starting September 2011. Applications are open from 30.10.10 at apply online or you can collect a guide and paper application forms from any primary school. Pre-School is filling up We have one remaining session on a Friday morning - all other mornings are full. We do still have some spaces available for afternoon sessions, so if you would like to increase your child's attendance, please speak to one of the supervisors as soon as possible. Don't forget that, as of the term after their third birthday, your child is eligible to 15 hours' childcare per week that can be claimed back from the State, so if you are not utilising these five sessions and would like to do so, let us know! Fundraising for your Pre-School... Pure Apple Juice We still have stock of our delicious ‘Hyde Heath Pre School’ apple juice to sell. The pasteurised juice is being made for us by a local producer, using fruit donated by parents. If you are interested in buying bottles of the juice at £2.50 / 750ml (it lasts until Dec 2011, and can be stored in a garage or shed, then refrigerated once opened), speak with Karen Kay (01494 863605 / [email protected]). Volunteers Required If anyone would like to volunteer to assist with any fundraising for the pre-school, your help would be most appreciated. The Autumn term is our busiest in terms of fundraising but it doesn’t mean to say that we can’t still raise money in the Spring and Summer terms. If anyone has any fundraising ideas or would like to form a fundraising committee please feel free to speak to any of the trustees. Comments are closed.